Thursday, November 03, 2005

OP/ED: Bush is Now Ruining Mother Nature's Work on Mars

Apparently the carbon dioxide cycle on Mars has been disturbed.
"The planet may be undergoing a climate change, according to images that show a shrinking of carbon dioxide deposits near the south pole. For the last three Martian summers, the deposits have shrunk from the previous year. "
I blame fossil fuel burning by the satellites and rockets by the Americans. I can't believe that they still haven't sat down at the Kyoto table. Now they are irreversibly ruining Mars' environment.
"Scientists think the gullies might have formed when frozen carbon dioxide trapped by windblown sand vaporized, releasing gas that allowed the sand to flow freely."
CO2 is vaporoizing???!! Doesn't that mean it had to get warmer??? There is global warming on Mars now!! That's all I need to hear. I'm going to run for public office to stop this dang'ed "natural" cycle. First I need is a person who took a science class once to give my political platform extra hype, I mean credibility. Any takers?


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